“You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Christopher Columbus
is celebrating 30 years of a passionate, dedicated service to the cruise industry in 2022.
Our CEO, Charles Robbie III, entered the industry as a luxury driver-touristguide 30 years ago.
Awarded a life-time contract by Starlight Cruises to shuttle passengers to and from the airport
to the Durban and Cape Town harbours instilled a passion in him for the local cruise industry. After the takeover of Starlight Cruises by MSC Cruises, he has remained as the official contractor to MSC Cruises until this day. He has safely conveyed more than one million passengers to cruise ships in Durban and Cape Town. It was about 10 years ago that he added the sales of cruises all over the world to his company portfolio.
So, what are you waiting for?
Come on in and let us take you on a sea cruise!
“At night, when the sky is full of stars and the sea is still you get the wonderful sensation that you are floating in space.” – Natalie Wood
Our Senior Management
Our Luggage Handlers
Our Fleet of Luxury Vehicles
What to expect on a cruise!
“I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and sky, and all I ask is for a tall ship and a star to steer her by.” – John Macefield
Cruising SA is a member of the above associations
and a registered Cruising Agent with the above Cruise Lines.
Cruising SA (Pty) Ltd, Dreamweaver Holidays (Pty) Ltd and Touring SA are divisions of Dreamweaver Holdings (Pty) Ltd.
Dreamweaver Holdings (Pty) Ltd is a registered company in the Republic of South Africa, United Kingdom and the Philippines.
Head Office: 33 The Crescent, Hillary, Durban 4094. The Republic of South Africa. Tel: +27 31 463 1681 Fax: +27 86 609 3778
Asian Office: Barangay Road, Upper Pasil, Santander, CEBU 6026. The Republic of the Philippine Islands. Tel & Fax: +63 32 480 9037
Our Emergency Cell number for our vehicle controller: 072 874 0859
N.B. The views and content displayed on this site belong to the person/party who submitted them, and Dreamweaver Holdings (Pty) Ltd. holds itself blameless for any inappropriate content or copyright infringement made by a member. As the cruise industry is constantly changing, all cruising quotes and cruising information supplied by us are subject to the final confirmation, upon the client’s final payment to the cruise company concerned. We do not accept any responsibility for any incorrect information given. E &OE.
We operate as agents for our own account and offer our own specials over and above those of the various cruise companies whose products we sell.
Proudly promoting the South African Cruise Industry since 1992.